The second transnational meeting of the project took place in Nîmes (France), on 16th November 2023.
The meeting was organised by the French partner, CMQ Occitanie, at the premises of the Lycée Dhuoda.
During the morning the partners held the project coordination meeting, focusing on the implementation of activities and internal coordination aspects.
In the afternoon, the project team attended a presentation and panel discussion with companies from the construction and innovation sector working in the region. The panel of experts consisted of Christophe Puerto from Cabinet Géopole, Catherine Marshall from Amber Green Solutions SAS and Philippe Alamy from ENERBIM. The speakers explained how they integrate the use of drones and/or BIM technology in their work and the advantage it brings. The session was also attended by lecturers and students from the surveying, inspection and digital design modules.
Finally, a drone flight and photogrammetry demonstration was carried out outside the centre by Régis Lequeux, member of the Drones4VET team.
Public news:
We keep moving forward!
#GrupoDEX #LyceeDesMetiersDhuoda
#somosCRN #Sepie #ErasmusPlus #Drones4VET #cfeoc

Drones4VET is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The views expressed in the working papers, deliverables and reports are those of the project consortium partners.
These views have not been adopted or approved by the Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the Commission’s or its services’ views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in the working papers and reports, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof.